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Most colleges and universities are very complex and sophisticated work organizations.  In many cases, college administrators have control over tens of millions of dollars of assets and are responsible for hundreds, or thousands, of employees.  The organizations that they oversee are subject to legal and environmental regulations, are affected by economic and political changes, and are influenced and have demands placed on them by a variety of constituencies and stakeholders.

In other words, the people in charge of institutions of higher education face many of the same issues and challenges that face managers and executives of for-profit businesses.  However, as with organizations in different industries, there are particular issues specific to colleges and universities.  The purpose of these writings is to introduce key management, business, economic, and organizational principles that are directly relevant to the people who guide and lead institutions of higher education.

The writings contained in this section of the website are parts of a book that is being written by Dr. Coleman Patterson.  Feel free to read through and use ideas that are of interest to you, but please be sure to cite your source.  Also, if you have any comments or suggestions, please drop an e-mail message to the address on the Contact page of this website.




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